Ukraine plans to create a Unified register of qualifications: what will it include?

On Thursday, May 9, the Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis draft Law 9630 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of the National System of Qualifications in Accordance with Actual Needs of the Labor Market and Other Matters."

This draft law envisages the creation of a Unified Register of Qualifications by combining various databases and granting the authority to maintain it to a permanent body performing functions in the field of qualifications. Digitization of the data exchange process is also proposed to ensure quick and transparent access to information about professional qualifications and positions.

The purpose of the bill is to streamline information on professional qualifications, promote the development of professional standards for modern professions, and eliminate bureaucratic obstacles in the labor market. Its implementation will contribute to a more efficient use of state-ordered resources and reduce the overall level of unemployment in the country.



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