In the capital, law enforcement officers detained a man who brutally beat and robbed a woman after a date. According to the investigation, the attacker invited his victim to the hotel, and after the conflict, he attacked her, took away things and escaped.
The victim of the attack was a 34-year-old resident of Svyatoshinsky district, who resorted to police after the incident. Law enforcement officers found out that the man invited her to meet in the hotel and restaurant complex of Kiev. The evening began for drinking, but later there was a quarrel between them, which grew into violence. The attacker beat the woman, took away Samsung's mobile phone and a wallet with money, and then fled.
The operatives searched for a 35-year-old suspect in a few hours. During the search, he found stolen things that later returned to the owners. The court chose a pre -trial detention measure, but the man has the opportunity to go on bail.
For robbery, committed in martial law, the suspect faces up to ten years in prison.